Thank you Dear Dr Romance:
I've stumbled across your website, and think I'm going to be eternally grateful for having done so. Your advice is a pleasure to read, with helpful action-plans for effecting change. I love your articles on relationships with parents/children, being one's own best friend, and asking for things. If you have written anything about self-motivation and getting past procrastination, I'd be extremely grateful if you could point me in that direction. Very best wishes. Thank you.
Dear Reader:
Thank you so much for your wonderful email. It definitely made my day. I am always glad to hear that the information I make available has helped someone. To answer your question, "Motivation and How to Create It" will show you how to create motivation, "Getting Out of Your Own Way" can help you stop procrastinating, "Detox Your Life" gives you great action-plans for whatever is in your way and "Four Steps to Success" are simple steps to get what you want. It Ends With You: Grow Up and Out of Dysfunction is a more complete package of information and exercises to help you overcome issues that disrupt your life and peace. You'll love the diagrams that help you understand how belief systems are formed and reinforced; and also how to change the old habits and patterns that you have outgrown.
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