Dear Dr. Romance:
I am in my late sixties. For over the past 14 months I was in a very loving, intimate relationship with a man in his mid thirties. It has ended because I could not let go of the age issue in my mind. We live in different states and we traveled back and forth to be with one another. I sabotaged the relationship because I was other reason. I raised walls; he kept climbing over them, but I could not accept his friendship/love. Soon he could take no more. We went our separate ways in a few months ago. I was a fool. Would it have lasted? Who can tell, but now I will never know...nor did I have him longer to enjoy him for whatever time remained to us. Tell women to forget the age...if it works; it works until it is over...that is true at any age.
Dear Reader:
I'm sorry for your loss. I agree that there is way too much focus on age. I think, if both people are adults, what's important is that the relationship works. Have you told him that you realize you were wrong?
You're right that it may not have lasted, but none of us can predict the future, no matter how solid love seems to us. I hope other women learn from your experience, and I hope you will focus on making your life the best it can be, right now. "Make New Friends, Keep Good Friends" will help you pick up the pieces and move on. "Age Differences in Dating" will help clear up your confusion about age. The Ten Smartest Decisions a Woman Can Make After Forty will help you reassess and reanalyze your life, and choose the options that will make you happy.
For low-cost phone counseling, email me at [email protected]