Dear Dr Romance,
I am hard of hearing, and I have hard time finding Mr. Right. I grew up around hearing guys but I haven't often dated. My first marriage was to a hearing guy and I taught him sign language so we did fine for a short time; but he didn't provide, and he cheated on me and lied. We were separated for ten years, then we divorced. My parents really control my life and my kids. I'm a deaf mother, but my dad wont let me take my son. My boyfriend is deaf; I know him for two years he;s a good guy, but my dad said we can't be together. My boyfriend said just forget it. Your parents control you. We broke up. Why doesn't my dad trust me, I'm over forty. It hurt me so much for long time. I want move out and try to save my money but I can't handle that. I want to be able get married again, and be peaceful in myself. Why can't find the right guy? Most guys don't want to go out with me because I live with my parents. Help me find Mr. Right!
Dear Reader:
I understand how your hearing problem can make life difficult, but it's really time for you to figure out how to grow up and run your own life. Other people with hearing problems are able to live on their own. The National Association of the Deaf can help you find the resources you need. As long as you allow your parents to control you, you're going to have a tough time finding a workable relationship. As long as you act like a dependent child, your parents will treat you like one. Learn to handle your own money, and your own life.
You are right that you are the mom and the kids are yours, but I'm concerned that your parents are so controlling because you haven't demonstrated that you can live your life responsibly. Is that the case? Instead of focusing on finding a relationship, why not focus on how to get in charge of your life and your finances. Your parents won't be around forever, so it's time for you to learn to manage your own life and your children.
Once you do that, and learn to live on your own terms, and take care of your business and your children, it will be much easier to find a man. It Ends With You: Grow Up and Out of Dysfunction will show you how to reclaim your life from your family and make it your own. The articles "Detox Your Life" and "Getting Our of Your Own Way" will also help you create the peace you're seeking. When you're ready, Dr. Romance's Guide to Finding Love Today will help you find the love you're seeking.
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