Dear Dr. Romance:
I fell for a man that I work with. He was married, and I was in a lesbian relationship. When I first saw this man, who I will refer to as John, I thought he was the most handsome man I had ever met in my life. I had dated men off and on, but my two long-term relationships were both with women.
When I began having feelings for him beyond a professional relationship, I moved out and was honest with my partner about having feelings for someone else. John also moved out of his house shortly thereafter. He got a hotel for two weeks and I pretty much stayed with him. We began a whirlwind romance. He then got an apartment and I moved my things into his place and pretty much moved in. I know; not the most sensible thing to do.
Fast forward: He said he and his wife needed to mend their relationship. He continued to tell me he wanted to see me exclusively and that we were going to "move forward in our relationship."
In the last two weeks, I have hardly see him. He is always busy working on house projects and has been preoccupied applying for a new job.
The situation has been stressful from the get-go: wondering if he is going to get a divorce, living together for a year and then getting separate places, not meeting his daughter, and so forth. I'm lonely and probably very naïve
Logically, I feel like I should run and think there is no possible way he could be ready to dive into another relationship. On the other hand, I am not ready to throw in the towel yet. I don't want to keep waiting. I am giving this relationship 6 more months. The other problem: he does not communicate. I feel like I am left in the dark and now that we both have time off (we both work at schools), he has time for everything and everyone else.
Dear Reader:
You are wise enough to know you're probably being very naïve. Please stop waiting for this guy. He's not a good man. He cheated on his wife, and you don't trust him. Men like him rarely get divorced and marry the affair. He was using you to feel better about himself. Now, he's beginning to see what he's losing if he deserts his family. You're much better off focusing on getting a life of your own, which hopefully has nothing to do with dating married men. "Guidelines for Successful Dating" will help you get busy making new friends and meeting new people. "Aspects of Love" will help you understand what reliable love is. The 10 Smartest Decisions a Woman Can Make Before 40 will help you understand what you really want and make better choices in the future.
For low-cost phone counseling, email me at [email protected]