Dear Dr. Romance:
My wife she wil get angry very easily. Even for simple things she gets very angry. She always tells me to leave her and she wants to live her family especially with her mother. She tells me she doesn't want to live and mostly she hurts her self. The biggest problem is my job. I earn very small salary and I'm trying to get a good job but she doesn't believe that I'm trying to find a job
Dear Reader:
It sounds like your wife may have some reasons to be angry. If she's saying she wants to leave, things are very bad. If it's so important to her that you get a good job, have you asked her to help you? If you work together to figure out how you can get better work, she'll know you're really doing something about it. Just telling her you're trying to get a job may not be believable.
She may be getting angry because she's frustrated with your money problems. "Couples Can Cooperate for Success" and "From Struggling to Solving" have a lot of information you and your wife can use to learn how to work together. How to Be Happy Partners; Working it out Together will give you many tools you can use to stop fighting and start solving problems.
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