The Problem With Women.... is Men! The evolution of a man's man to a man of higher consciousness
Dr. Romance writes: Charles' book speaks to a great need in our society. How do men and women learn to treat each other well and live together in harmony? He approaches the question from the male side -- what do men need to learn to make their relationships (and their lives) work? I especially love his chapter 5, "For Women: How to Positively Effect a Man's Evolution Without Losing Your Individuality" because I spend a lot of time in counseling teaching women exactly how to do this.
Charles is insightful, and has hard- won experience from his own life as man, husband and father which he combined with interviews of men and women, and boiled down into the cogent advice in this book.
I frequently recommend it to my clients. This book is a compendium of what men need to learn to make their lives more successful and fulfilling, and women need to understand about men. Bravo, Charles for observing the devolution of men which is a result of our permissive society, and coming up with a road map toward evolution.